عنوان الموضوع : تصحيح الموضوع الاول الانجليزية تحضير بكالوريا
مقدم من طرف منتديات الضيافة العربية

salaaaaaaaaam ça vaaaaaa ??

1- the main idea of the text is : a-children and exploitative work

2- a-false
b- true
c- false

3- it is mentioned in the 2nd paragraph

4- that ==== work
she ====child

5- a- child labour is the work that harms pr exploits them in some way
b- the causes behind child labour are poverty , lack of : good schools , day care , health care . ande family problems.

B== text exploration :

1- a- safe = harmless b- in addition = moreover

2- verb noun adjective
to benefit benefit beneficial
to access access accessible
to exploite exploitation exploitative

3- a - who points out that some kinds of wors may be completely harmless ?
b- where is one child in three at work ?

4- to try ===== tried
to be confront ==== will be confronted

5- three*******free
honey ***** money

6 - re ordering the sentences
1=====d 2=======a 3=======c 4=======b
byyyyyyyyyyyyyye ida kayen des faute nsa7ouhoum kifkif ok ??
123 viva l'algerie

>>>>> ردود الأعضـــــــــــــــــــاء على الموضوع <<<<<

>>>> الرد الأول :

thanks angel

__________________________________________________ __________

>>>> الرد الثاني :

angel انتي من ain taya

__________________________________________________ __________

>>>> الرد الثالث :

نورمالمون راك صحيح يا خويا
انا 80% خدمت هكذا

__________________________________________________ __________

>>>> الرد الرابع :

nn je ss une fillle de medea

__________________________________________________ __________

>>>> الرد الخامس :

انا درت الموضوع الاخر
شكرا اينجل بارك الله فيك

بارك الله فيك

rebbi ya7fedkoum

انا درت هاذا الموضوع ونورمللمو جاوبت كيفك

sorry dude you've got some mistakes !!!!

المشاركة الأصلية كتبت بواسطة angel 91
salaaaaaaaaam ça vaaaaaa ??

1- the main idea of the text is : a-children and exploitative work

2- a-false
b- true
c- false

3- it is mentioned in the 2nd paragraph

4- that ==== work
she ====child

5- a- child labour is the work that harms pr exploits them in some way
b- the causes behind child labour are poverty , lack of : good schools , day care , health care . ande family problems.

B== text exploration :

1- a- safe = harmless b- in addition = moreover

2- verb noun adjective
to benefit benefit beneficial
to access access accessible
to exploite exploitation exploitative

3- a - who points out that some kinds of wors may be completely harmless ?
b- where is one child in three at work ?

4- to try ===== tried
to be confront ==== will be confronted

5- three*******free
honey ***** money

6 - re ordering the sentences
1=====d 2=======c 3=======a 4=======b
byyyyyyyyyyyyyye ida kayen des faute nsa7ouhoum kifkif ok ??
123 viva l'algerie

merci ana ghlat fi hwayej mais the order ghalet fihom psk ji d-a-c-b

il y a quelques fautes
the order is
et la 4 eme question je pense qu il y a 1 faute
mais bon merci et bonne chance

المشاركة الأصلية كتبت بواسطة thr9tia
sorry dude you've got some mistakes !!!!

ok show me the mistakes

j'ai fait comme toi
merci ma soeur...............

2r1 mon frere