عنوان الموضوع : ممكن طلب يا احلى اعضاء سنة 2 ثانوي
مقدم من طرف منتديات الضيافة العربية

تمرين 2 ص 46 من كتاب الانجليزية درت peace و democracy و بقاولي لخرين بليييييز ربي يخليكم

>>>>> ردود الأعضـــــــــــــــــــاء على الموضوع <<<<<

>>>> الرد الأول :

اسلام خويا كنت نتمنى المساعدة مي ضركة راها عندي خدمة بزااااااااااااااااااااااف

راني رايحة نحاول فيهم ونقوللك

__________________________________________________ __________

>>>> الرد الثاني :

اخي حنا درنا peace برك ++الاستاذ قالنا ديرو اساميكم ماديروش نتاع لكتاب
والله كنتت نتمنى نساعدك

__________________________________________________ __________

>>>> الرد الثالث :

اسمحلي نحنا ما حليناش هذا التمرين لكن لقيت غير الكلمتين الأولين في دليل الأستاذ

D: Do actions according to the law of your country.
E: Engage in campaigns for the freedom of speech.
M- Make protest against anti- social measures.
O: Organise yourselves in committees to fight against injustice
C: Collect funds for the election of your candidate.
R: Respect the rights of others.
A: Act against poverty.
C: Care about the homeless.
Y:Yell out your solidarity with people in need of justice.

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>>>> الرد الرابع :

شكرا لاهتمامكم يا احلى اصدقاء

__________________________________________________ __________

>>>> الرد الخامس :

اسفة لا استطيع المساعدة درنا غير peace

merci beaucoup koukou

آآآآآآآآآآآآسفه أخي درنا غير peace

تامن بلي الاستاذه قالتلنا عليهم و راني دايره في بالي نسقسيك انت حسبالي راهم عندك في الحلول

آآآآآآآآآآآآآسفه موفق

merci beaucoup khawla95

r Write it right. (Pages: 46/47)
J Note:
Working in small groups or in pairs, pupils are going to a list of (school) rules by using the clues in the bow page 46, and the; modals of obligation, prohibition and absence of obligation provided in the table. Pupils should take a look at the grammar reference about modals of obligation and necessity on page 198, No 09.
ΠActivity one: Using the notes below, write a list of school "Do (s)" and "Do not (s)". Use a dictionary, if necessary, to find the meaning of the new words.
v Aims of activity one:
01) To enrich the pupil's lexical memory by learning new words.
02) To practise the use of the various structures; have/has/do not have to, must/mustn't, should/shouldn't, ought to, etc to express obligation and/or absence of obligation and prohibition.
Suggested answers to activity one :
- We have to tolerate differences at school.
- Pupils have to respect one another in class and outside.
- We have to keep cool and should not be hot-tempered.
- Everybody must not impose himself/herself on others.
- We do not need to always agree with one another. Differences are always possible and sometimes necessary.
- We should settle disputes peacefully.
- We don't have to/mustn't be violent.
- We should accept the opinions of others.
- We must learn to listen to one another.
- We should not/ must not insult others or make fun of them for no reason. We shouldn't shout at each/one another.
- Pupils must not cheat in the exam.
· Activity two about acrosticsis optional depending on time and level of the learners. And if it is done, it is left to volunteers.
Ž Activity three:" Class work." Distinguish between the duties and rights in the box. Then complete the class charter below. Discuss and add other items to the charter.
The activity depends on the list of rights and duties provided on the box on page 47. Pupils, however, can add to it additional rights and/or responsibilities of their own.

آسفة لا اعرف الحل ولكن انشاء الله تلقاه وهل خدمت البحث لجائزة نوبل

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