عنوان الموضوع : Who are concerned by the British TKT training? سنة رابعة متوسط
مقدم من طرف منتديات الضيافة العربية

Does the British TKT Algeria focus on the same teachers or each time there is a new group?
Please we would like to know how the teachers are selected for this training?

Also we would like our teachers who had the opportunity to attend this training to talk freely about it and provide their colleagues with documents , ideas and the real tasks that can be applied in our Algerian Schools

This will give a wide idea to the teachers who did not and may be will not have this opportunity to take part in this Training

Thank you very much

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>>>> الرد الأول :

الاستاذ المميز سمير بوناب السلام عليكم
المفتشين هم من يقومون باختيار الاساتذة واحيانا المديرية
حيت ترسل اليهم مناصب للتكوين وكما ترى فنحن المضطهدين
نجهل ذلك حيث يتم احتكار هذه المناصب وهناك من ذهب عدة مرات
ومن ينجح في اختبار tkt وهو صعب جدا يكلفونه بالتكوين
اتمنى لك التوفيق اخي لحسن نيتك وكم نفعتنا بعلمك ولم تبخل علينا بجهودك المميزة
وستكون ان شاء الله من المكونين وليس المتكونين .

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>>>> الرد الثاني :

Salam Madam
Thank you very much for your lovely words , may God bless you
As you said some have been asked many times and some have informed the academy that it's a continuous training
and that the same teachers have to carry on, so what I want is all the teachers who attended that training contribute by showing or just talking about what they did in order to make all the teachers of the country have an idea about that training.

Your contribution will prove if really it's a continuous training or the same one done each time in different regions of the country.

concerning the TKT exam believe me madam it's not as difficult as you can imagine , it needs just a good preparation .

thanks again , Inchaa allah next time you will be asked to this training.

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>>>> الرد الثالث :

hi sir Bounab,
for you request

we were asked to participate in this program with the academy of algiers west during the second week of the spring holidays

.were trained by middle school teachers, it was so inteersting and we learnt so much new techniques to teach english
for the trainers , the inspector asked for any volunteers to do the next training session in algiers EAst; so there were some other colleagues who joined them to be prepared for next time

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>>>> الرد الرابع :

there was no exam , we were given some kind of "ATTESTATION"
as a proof of attendency

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>>>> الرد الخامس :

Salam gdbye bluesky
thanks a lot for your contribution and so happy to hear from you again , I hope you are fine and well doing

It's really
so precious what you said , of course you did not take any exam , because the ones who are concerned by this exam are the ones trained by the British Council and they are given a TKT course book ( the focus is on Module 3) .
Here is a sample ( old version but the same since it deals with the 3 modules)


The teachers have at least 3 months to prepare that Test ( 80 questions in 80 minutes) and if they pass they give them the TKT certificate ( teaching Knowledge Test (TKT) is a test that focuses on the teaching knowledge needed by teachers of primary, secondary or adult learners of English, anywhere in the world. It can increase your confidence and enhance your job prospects.)

thanks again I wish you be among the ones who will be asked the next time since the training will last till 2013

Good Luck

Good evening all
So happy and pleased to know that our colleagues from the west of Algiers got great profit from the training session given by the trainers from the centre of Algiers.This is a proof that Algerian teachers are as competent as the English ones.

To mr.gdbye bluesky
thanks for the contribution. i would like to know, if you don't mind, who is going to train our colleagues in the east of algiers. are they the trainers from the west, those from the centre or both of them?
I would be thankful if you could answer me.

Salam Fidaa
Well concerning the Tkt training , the teachers who were asked to that training are already training their colleagues , this is happening in many wilayas of the east at the same time the British continued training teachers who were not asked before more than 17 wilayas took part in this March in Batna , they trained two groups ( 5 days for each one) then they will be asked after three months to take the TKt test

I hope you will be among the ones who take part next year since the training will last till 2013

good luck