عنوان الموضوع : برحمة الوااااااااالدين بكالوريا ادبي
مقدم من طرف منتديات الضيافة العربية

تعيشو انا 0 في الانجليزية اعطولي الفقرة المقترحة للادبيين تعييييشو

>>>>> ردود الأعضـــــــــــــــــــاء على الموضوع <<<<<

>>>> الرد الأول :

اوك راني نجمعهم و نكتبهملك

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>>>> الرد الثاني :

المشاركة الأصلية كتبت بواسطة MERIEMESC
تعيشو انا 0 في الانجليزية اعطولي الفقرة المقترحة للادبيين تعييييشو

hadou lmotawa9i3in bazaf

Corruption is an evil that must be fought now! In order to win this fight I urge all people of good will to unite around me.
If I were elected Head of State, I would implement the following anti-corruption programme. To begin with, I would appoint dedicated civil servants who would work honestly for the country: stealing money or accepting a bribe in exchange for a service is unethical

and illegal. Next, I would pass stringent laws to protect citizens and punish embezzling and bribe-taking. I cannot tolerate that honest citizens be the victims of corrupt civil servants.
I would also fight tax evasion and capital flight. Those who earn a lot of money must pay their taxes and contribute to the development of the country. Therefore any tax evader would be severely punished by specially appointed tribunals.
Finally, I would rehabilitate the value of work. Mutual trust is a moral value that we should teach our children from infancy. A little money earned honestly brings a lot of happiness and peace of mind.
To conclude, I could tell you, fellow countrymen that your
role as citizens is indispensable to fight corruption. No government can succeed without the help of civil society. Therefore, I urge you again to gather around me to win this decisive battle. Vote for honesty ! Vote for me

Counterfeiting and piracy are concepts which are generally used to indicate a violation of intellectual property rights. This means that certain acts are carried out without the consent of the intellectual property right holder. Some examples of intellectual property right violations are the fabrication or selling of illegally manufactured counterfeit versions of products protected by a trademark (sunglasses, clothing, sports goods, etc.), pharmaceutical products, designer furniture, seeds, software, DVD players, music players and films and other protected works. In principle, any product sold today is a potential victim of counterfeiting. Counterfeits are not limited to luxury products. Even toothpaste and shampoo as well as washing powders and dishwashing products are counterfeited on a commercial scale.
The counterfeit market has become more and more professional. Small clandestine workshops have been replaced by a veritable industry equipped with high-tech material and their own distribution networks. Sometimes, counterfeit goods appear on the market before the authentic products themselves.

Child labour refers to the employment of children in any work that deprives children of their childhood, interferes with their ability to attend regular school, and that is mentally, physically, socially or morally dangerous and harmful.
There are many causes that push the child to work;International Labour Organisation (ILO) suggests poverty is the greatest single cause behind child labour. For impoverished households, income from a child's work is usually crucial for his or her own survival or for that of the household. Income from working children,

The child labor has a negative impact on children's health physically and psychologically first Physical growth and development: affected child health in terms of consistency and strength organic scond cognitive development influenced the child who leaves school and heading to work after that we see ,Psychological risks that represent a big danger for the child because Most child workers are exposed to various types of abuse

for this we have to fight by any methode the child labour by the Dissemination of awareness-raising campaigns and we mast also to keep all the rights of child

نتمنى نكون قد افدتك بهذه الفقرات و بالتوفيق للجميع ان شاء الله

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>>>> الرد الثالث :

meeeeeeerciiiiiiiiiiiiiiii khtyyyyyy

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>>>> الرد الرابع :

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>>>> الرد الخامس :